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Los palestinos desplazados se apoyan en estrategia ...
Este es el primer Año Nuevo desde que la UNESCO ap ...
Las manifestaciones eran pacíficas Inicialmente, p ...
Macedonia del Norte y Venezuela, dos países muy di ...
La detención de Akpolat es el ejemplo más reciente ...
Familias de víctimas de la trata de personas piden ...
Que Meta haya revocado la verificación de hechos i ...
"Todavía no se atrevió a superar a su 'h ...
Rusia y Kazajistán siguen siendo el destino favori ...
En medio de la tortura y la inhumanidad de Saydnay ...
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Miércoles 23 Noviembre
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It’s Not if you win or lose, It is about If you gave it your very very best you had. That’s what winners.But it matters for a bigger reason also, drives growth.
Football creates a democratic basis for exchange, a genuine cultural dialogue,and for a footballer, football is a sport, a job or a business, but for non-players, for all other people, football is art, the art of living
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Sports journalism is a form of writing that reports on sporting topics and competitions, the essential element of many news media organizations.
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Fantastic showcase for the peaceful rivalry between nations through sports competitions, the Olympic Games have a very important symbolic value, and have been associated with promoting peace from the very beginning.
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Transparencia Internacional establece que Venezuela, Haití y
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Sports journalism is a form of writing that reports on sporting topics and competitions. Sports journalism is the essential element of many news media organizations.
Wile the sports department within some newspapers has been mockingly called the toy department, because sports journalists do not concern themselves with the serious topics covered by the news desk.
Sports coverage has grown in importance as sport has grown in wealth, power, and influence.
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